FENG SHUI : using Feng Shui for your outdoor space

in Around world, Decorby Melissa Djordjevic & Diana Iannelli Esterni Design s.r.l.
Feng Shui

FENG SHUI : using Feng Shui for your outdoor space

Feng Shui, the Chinese art that deals with organizing spaces with positive energies, has also found its hunger in the West.

More and more Feng Shui experts, architects and designers are planning and furnishing according to this Chinese art.

The goal is to live in harmony with your environment, Feng Shui is based on the balance between Yin and Yang, in pure harmony with Eastern philosophies.

Feng Shui literally means wind and water. The wind as air transforms nature, while water is the necessary and basic element of life.

Yin represents the feminine, intuition and complexity, dark colors, while Yang represents masculine, creativity, strength and light colors.

The different furnishing accessories must be positioned so that the energy can flow freely, if the energy is hindered, the harmony of the environment and of those who live in it will also benefit.

For Feng Shui, the balance between indoor and outdoor must be balanced, even in the square footage of the spaces, a large house with a large terrace or garden, or a small house with a small balcony, so as to have the right balance between internal and external environment.

If you have a garden it is important to delimit it with a fence or trees to mark your boundary, and what differentiates your space from the external one.

The north is associated with the Yin because it is the shady side, so green light for relaxation areas, the south side is connected to the Yang, more suitable for hosting flowers and plants.

The cactus according to Feng Shui is a type of plant to be inserted outside or near the entrance, to remove criminals from their environment.

The water element for Feng Shui is very important. Water accumulates and collects energy and makes it flow harmoniously for this reason it is associated with prosperity and abundance.

Fountains can therefore be inserted in a terrace or garden, which in addition to being a functional and decorative element, will benefit the energy level of the environment.

The rounded rocks represent the stability and strength of the mountain, so you can place round stones on the edge of the pots or along a path if you have a garden.

It is important not to overfill the center of the external environment because it will not allow the energy to flow and alternate areas of shadow and light, to ensure the balance of yin and yang.

Surely your new outdoor space furnished according to feng shui will become a place where you can experience the environment and its positive energy at its best, so you can always be connected with the positive things that life and nature offer.

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